Our new website is coming soon! In the meantime, here's a little information about how we think we can help you.

Career Resource Guides & Planning Workbooks


We bring customized career publications to life at no cost to your career center.

Keep critical career information at students’ fingertips year-round.
Engage recruiters to showcase the diversity of job placement opportunities you provide
Expand your reach to recruiters beyond just your most frequent sponsors.

How It Works

100% funded by recruiters with interest in your school and students.
Up to 25,000 free printed magazines annually, plus an HTML5 interactive digital version.
We find sponsors, create and place their ads and manage the publishing process for you.
You’re in control of the content and approval of sponsors


5500 Flatiron Parkway, Suite 105
Boulder, CO, 80301


(720) 307 2813