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Grow your company brand and reach thousands of University of Nevada, Reno students, while they plan their careers!

Our NEW 2025 University of Nevada, Reno Student Guide to Career Services is a great way to showcase your company’s…

  • Career and internship opportunities
  • Workplace Culture
  • Commitment to the University of Nevada, Reno community

Print copies will be available to all students and career advisors and distributed throughout campus, in the career center and at career fairs. And the digital version will be on the Nevada Career Studio website.

Your ad will appear in:

  • 8,000+ printed copies
  • an interactive HTML5 digital magazine.
Our vendor partner, Momentous, will handle all Sponsorships and placements.

This year’s Guide ad space sold out in record time, so book your space early!

Get More Information About the 2024-25 2025 University of Nevada, Reno Student Guide to Career Services