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Get your employment brand in front of thousands of Wichita State students while they plan their career paths!

Our brand-new Wichita State Career Ready Guide, launching in June 2025, will reach students during pivotal career planning moments.

The 10,000 printed copies will be distributed at the Shocker Career Accelerator, new student
orientation, career workshops and Career Fairs throughout the year. And with the content we’re developing, we expect these guides to be used as reference materials over and over, so your company will get multiple exposures per student. Our Career Ready Guide is to be one of the top requested career resources on our campus; utilized in classrooms, career coaching sessions and beyond.

It’s the perfect opportunity for you to bring to life your…

Career Opportunities
Commitment to Wichita State Students

The advertised features include:
  • Full year coverage
  • Standard ½ and Full-Page ads available
  • Premium Placements on Back Cover, inside covers (subject to availability)
  • “Sponsored Content” opportunities (subject to Career Center approval)
  • Digital exposure on the Shocker Career Accelerator’s website included in all sponsorship levels
Our vendor partner, Momentous, will handle all Sponsorships and placements.
Get More Information About the 2025 Wichita State Career Guide