Recruit More. Place More. Without Spending More.
Our high-quality, customized print and digital recruitment materials can help you connect with more students than ever before.

Boost Enrollment Without Busting Your Budget.
You know how critical high-quality print and digital recruitment materials are to your team. They are often the first point of contact with prospective students and their families. They matter — a lot.
Our exceptionally high-quality, branded digital and print assets will make an excellent first impression. We’re confident you’ll be proud to use them. Because they are no cost to you, you’ll have more money in your budget to use the materials — to actively reach out to more students.
Admissions Resources

Prospective students will have 24/7 access to robust, GPS-enabled, self-guided, storytelling tours of your campus. LiveVisit® tours are both a mobile self-guided AND a desktop-based virtual tour. Both can be done through a browser, no app required!
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Official Visitor’s Guide
This beautifully printed piece brings your school and community to life. This printed book also includes access to an intuitive microsite that gives students and their families exactly what they need to prepare for their visit.
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MCM 2018-2019 Revisit the Visit Study
The visit experience is the #1 controllable aspect impacting enrollment.

70% of parents take an active role in their student’s college search.

85% of decided students said the visit impacted their decision.


Ready to Learn More?
Let’s talk about your college or university’s needs and how Momentous Campus Media can fill those needs at no cost to you.